Credit cards
It is convenience to buy anything with a credit card for people. You don’t carry much cash with you. Sometimes you just carry one or two credit cards out door. Shopping with credit cards can be done not only in your country but around the world. Saving you a lot of trouble that to carry much cash with you. Using a credit card may involve some risks. You may easily spend too much. A lot of people run into debt because they spend much when they buy something and do not to control their impulse. The credit cards are convenience for us, but we should be careful while using them.
Traffic Safety
Many people often get hurt in many traffic accident. Sometimes a very serious traffic accident can claim of lives. Many families may lose their members in the accident. To prevent such accidents as below you can follow:
1. Don’t run a red light, don't exceed the speed limit.
2. Don’t drunk driving.
3. Don’t drive the car onto the sidewalk.
4. Don’t force into the car when the door will be closed.
5. When you want to walk across a road, use the overpass or underpass.
That mentioned above will keep your life and others safety. Doing those lists are very easy. Keep them in you mind clearly.
1. Don’t run a red light, don't exceed the speed limit.
2. Don’t drunk driving.
3. Don’t drive the car onto the sidewalk.
4. Don’t force into the car when the door will be closed.
5. When you want to walk across a road, use the overpass or underpass.
That mentioned above will keep your life and others safety. Doing those lists are very easy. Keep them in you mind clearly.
Dental Care
Most people don't know how to take care their teeth. Especially Most children. Many children All of them think just to brush their teeth in the morning but they don't know brush the teeth at night is the more importang. For study, brushing our teeth twice a day is correct. To use the floss, it can clean of food left between our teeth. If we not clean the food, it may be cause dental decay. On the other hand, don’t eat a lot of candy. Besides, their parents should take their children to the dentist’s on a regular basis to keep the teeth health.
All people dream during their sleep. We probably do not remember our dreams when we get up. I dream almost every night. I even have more dreams in a single night. It makes me tired next day and I feel tired. Not all our dreams have their meanings. I think all of them have something want to tell us. Everyone has the same experience, for example, you went to a place you never went but you have some memory. It is so wonderful. Good dreams and bad dreams with us every night. It you can't avoid.
How the Weather Affects People
Most people are apt to be influenced by the weather. Like to me, when it is sunny, I feel so comfortable and cheerful. I enjoy it. Doing everything is happy and fast. When it is cloudy day, I do not want to do anything and feel down. Everything is bad for me and can’t remember something easy. Obviously, mood swings have a lot to do with weather conditions. The sunny day is my favorite day.
Keeping a Diary
Keeping a diary has some advantages to someone. Keeping a diary let us to check ourselves what is bad and what is good. We can adapt and make self-improvement carefully. The another advantage is can improve our writing skill. For a while, you will find you writing skill is imporved. Many people think a lot of things and clam down while they were writing the diary. Some people like keeping the diary at night. They think their mind is clear at that time. It is a good habit for us and remember many thing.
Most people work simply because they need to make a living or support their family.
Most of people cannot enjoy their work but some people can enjoy their work very much. They are not only enjoy their work but are spend a few extra hours on their work every day. Like to me, I often enjoy my work while my working time but I don’t spend extra hours on my work. I think I am not a workaholism. A workaholism can often pose a threat to their health. They didn’t know how to relief pressure and they always has not enough time to do exercise to keep their health. To do those things might waste of time for them. They should relax themselves and on a vacation is better for them. I think health is more important that money.
Most of people cannot enjoy their work but some people can enjoy their work very much. They are not only enjoy their work but are spend a few extra hours on their work every day. Like to me, I often enjoy my work while my working time but I don’t spend extra hours on my work. I think I am not a workaholism. A workaholism can often pose a threat to their health. They didn’t know how to relief pressure and they always has not enough time to do exercise to keep their health. To do those things might waste of time for them. They should relax themselves and on a vacation is better for them. I think health is more important that money.
Why People Become Vegetarians
It seems have a grow number of people are welcoming the idea of vegetarianism. Many people become vegetarians have some reasons. Everyone has different ideas. Someone don't eat meat and fish because of economical consideration. Someone are on religious. They believe it is wrong to kill animals for food. Like as my boss, he is a member of the Tzu-chi. Most people become vegetarians the main point reason is the health reason. All of them believe to eat vegetables and fruit will help them to keep their health. From any reason, I think the health is the main point.
Cellphone Etiquette
You can see nearly everyone has a cellphone. The cellphone become a must have because you can use it to contact your friends, family, other people anywhere and anytime. If you don’t like talking over the phone, you can send text message for them. You also can take pictures and can listen the music using the cellphone. Using the cellphone, you should note some rules. First, be sure your voice is lower when you on a bus or a train. When you talk to your friends using the phone, don’t speak to loudly. Second, don’t call anyone in the early morning or late at night, that time is a sleeping time. Third, you should vibration mode when you in the public places. Using a cellphone is convenient, but the cellphone etiquette is also important. Keep them in your mind.
I believe that the first thing that comes to everyone's mind with the mere mention of the word "Technology" would be.... computer and mobile phone.
These two items have been a part of the MUST HAVE in our modern daily lifestyle.
1. 80% of communication on the internet is in ENGLISH.All the operating commands and programing language have been using ENGLISH and the English alphabets as the base. I believe that up to today non of you have seen any other languages being used for programing other then ENGLISH .
2.The symbol "@".... this symbol is about 500 years old. It was first used by the Italian merchants as a measurement unit for oil or grain.s ation on the internet is in .
3.1981 ....that is.... the year where the 1st Personal Computer was introduce by IBM and was ran on Microsoft DOS.
The development of Technology has brought tremendous changes to our lives...not all good but not all bad either.
On the positive note
1. conveniences in our daily life.... such as shop on line, internet banking, and so on.... allows us to settled things without having to leave home. Saves us time, effort and cost.
2. Rapid communication.no more "snail mail" we can retrieve message and information at light speed via the email.
3. Knowledge no longer belongs to the privileged few. Information is accessible anywhere in the world. Such as Wiki, Google, Youtube...and so on.
4. Increases productivity and improved quality. Allows us to spent less effort to achieve the same objective. Examples are like automation in manufacturing, electronic scanners,automatic teller machine (ATM), security systems, micro wave oven and many many more.
5. The ability to stay in touch with friends and love ones. Share our experiences, our mood, our thoughts, access information, get help. Anywhere and anytime, all you need is your MOBILE PHONE.
These two items have been a part of the MUST HAVE in our modern daily lifestyle.
1. 80% of communication on the internet is in ENGLISH.All the operating commands and programing language have been using ENGLISH and the English alphabets as the base. I believe that up to today non of you have seen any other languages being used for programing other then ENGLISH .
2.The symbol "@".... this symbol is about 500 years old. It was first used by the Italian merchants as a measurement unit for oil or grain.s ation on the internet is in .
3.1981 ....that is.... the year where the 1st Personal Computer was introduce by IBM and was ran on Microsoft DOS.
The development of Technology has brought tremendous changes to our lives...not all good but not all bad either.
On the positive note
1. conveniences in our daily life.... such as shop on line, internet banking, and so on.... allows us to settled things without having to leave home. Saves us time, effort and cost.
2. Rapid communication.no more "snail mail" we can retrieve message and information at light speed via the email.
3. Knowledge no longer belongs to the privileged few. Information is accessible anywhere in the world. Such as Wiki, Google, Youtube...and so on.
4. Increases productivity and improved quality. Allows us to spent less effort to achieve the same objective. Examples are like automation in manufacturing, electronic scanners,automatic teller machine (ATM), security systems, micro wave oven and many many more.
5. The ability to stay in touch with friends and love ones. Share our experiences, our mood, our thoughts, access information, get help. Anywhere and anytime, all you need is your MOBILE PHONE.
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