I have used the “FACBOOK” since two years ago. I think all of people like to use this social network. You can research your friends by their e-mail or name. Some people found their old friends through this. You will find your friends are so closed to you. It made me surprised. I wrote some article and post on it. My friends often leave their opinion or to encourage me. I always could get support from it. All of people shared good news, good article, or viedo. If you don’t like leave any massage or opinion, you just can listening to the music or watching the viedo online. Visiting this social network, you can let yourself relax or excited. What kind of style do you like, to enjoy it by yourself. One thing has two sides, most of people wrote their bad mood or what people they don’t like on facebook. It is very dangerous. Some words could become the evidence that some people could get those words or picture to accuse you. It might let you feel powerless. To protect yourself, just do the right things are important, because everyone can visit your Facebook to get anything that they really want.