
Coffee and tea ’prevent diabetes’Tea

and coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a large body of evidence shows. And the protection may not be down to caffeine since decaf coffee has the greatest effect, say researchers in Archives of Internal Medicine.
They looked at 18 separate studies involving nearly 500,000 people. This analysis revealed that people who drink three or four cups of coffee or tea a day cut their risk by a fifth or more, say researchers. The same amount of decaffeinated coffee had an even bigger effect, lowering risk by a third.
Type 2 diabetes usually starts after the age of 40 and develops when the body can still make some insulin, but not enough, or when the insulin that is produced does not work properly. Type 2 diabetes is treated with a healthy diet and increased physical activity. In addition to this, medication and/or insulin is often required.

I remembered that there were some study said coffee is not good. Drinking the coffee or tea will lose your Ca very soon. The other hand, some study said the coffee is good. I don’t care it good or bad. I just know when I feel tired, I need some coffee let me refresh. I know I couldn’t drink two cups of coffee a day. It will hurt my health. It is very important.

