
Credit cards

It is convenience to buy anything with a credit card for people. You don’t carry much cash with you. Sometimes you just carry one or two credit cards out door. Shopping with credit cards can be done not only in your country but around the world. Saving you a lot of trouble that to carry much cash with you. Using a credit card may involve some risks. You may easily spend too much. A lot of people run into debt because they spend much when they buy something and do not to control their impulse. The credit cards are convenience for us, but we should be careful while using them.

Traffic Safety

Many people often get hurt in many traffic accident. Sometimes a very serious traffic accident can claim of lives. Many families may lose their members in the accident. To prevent such accidents as below you can follow:

1. Don’t run a red light, don't exceed the speed limit.
2. Don’t drunk driving.
3. Don’t drive the car onto the sidewalk.
4. Don’t force into the car when the door will be closed.
5. When you want to walk across a road, use the overpass or underpass.

That mentioned above will keep your life and others safety. Doing those lists are very easy. Keep them in you mind clearly.

Dental Care

Most people don't know how to take care their teeth. Especially Most children. Many children All of them think just to brush their teeth in the morning but they don't know brush the teeth at night is the more importang. For study, brushing our teeth twice a day is correct. To use the floss, it can clean of food left between our teeth. If we not clean the food, it may be cause dental decay. On the other hand, don’t eat a lot of candy. Besides, their parents should take their children to the dentist’s on a regular basis to keep the teeth health.


All people dream during their sleep. We probably do not remember our dreams when we get up. I dream almost every night. I even have more dreams in a single night. It makes me tired next day and I feel tired. Not all our dreams have their meanings. I think all of them have something want to tell us. Everyone has the same experience, for example, you went to a place you never went but you have some memory. It is so wonderful. Good dreams and bad dreams with us every night. It you can't avoid.

How the Weather Affects People

Most people are apt to be influenced by the weather. Like to me, when it is sunny, I feel so comfortable and cheerful. I enjoy it. Doing everything is happy and fast. When it is cloudy day, I do not want to do anything and feel down. Everything is bad for me and can’t remember something easy. Obviously, mood swings have a lot to do with weather conditions. The sunny day is my favorite day.

Keeping a Diary

Keeping a diary has some advantages to someone. Keeping a diary let us to check ourselves what is bad and what is good. We can adapt and make self-improvement carefully. The another advantage is can improve our writing skill. For a while, you will find you writing skill is imporved. Many people think a lot of things and clam down while they were writing the diary. Some people like keeping the diary at night. They think their mind is clear at that time. It is a good habit for us and remember many thing.


Most people work simply because they need to make a living or support their family.
Most of people cannot enjoy their work but some people can enjoy their work very much. They are not only enjoy their work but are spend a few extra hours on their work every day. Like to me, I often enjoy my work while my working time but I don’t spend extra hours on my work. I think I am not a workaholism. A workaholism can often pose a threat to their health. They didn’t know how to relief pressure and they always has not enough time to do exercise to keep their health. To do those things might waste of time for them. They should relax themselves and on a vacation is better for them. I think health is more important that money.


Why People Become Vegetarians

It seems have a grow number of people are welcoming the idea of vegetarianism. Many people become vegetarians have some reasons. Everyone has different ideas. Someone don't eat meat and fish because of economical consideration. Someone are on religious. They believe it is wrong to kill animals for food. Like as my boss, he is a member of the Tzu-chi. Most people become vegetarians the main point reason is the health reason. All of them believe to eat vegetables and fruit will help them to keep their health. From any reason, I think the health is the main point.

Cellphone Etiquette

You can see nearly everyone has a cellphone. The cellphone become a must have because you can use it to contact your friends, family, other people anywhere and anytime. If you don’t like talking over the phone, you can send text message for them. You also can take pictures and can listen the music using the cellphone. Using the cellphone, you should note some rules. First, be sure your voice is lower when you on a bus or a train. When you talk to your friends using the phone, don’t speak to loudly. Second, don’t call anyone in the early morning or late at night, that time is a sleeping time. Third, you should vibration mode when you in the public places. Using a cellphone is convenient, but the cellphone etiquette is also important. Keep them in your mind.



I believe that the first thing that comes to everyone's mind with the mere mention of the word "Technology" would be.... computer and mobile phone.
These two items have been a part of the MUST HAVE in our modern daily lifestyle.
1. 80% of communication on the internet is in ENGLISH.All the operating commands and programing language have been using ENGLISH and the English alphabets as the base. I believe that up to today non of you have seen any other languages being used for programing other then ENGLISH .

2.The symbol "@".... this symbol is about 500 years old. It was first used by the Italian merchants as a measurement unit for oil or grain.s ation on the internet is in .

3.1981 ....that is.... the year where the 1st Personal Computer was introduce by IBM and was ran on Microsoft DOS.

The development of Technology has brought tremendous changes to our lives...not all good but not all bad either.

On the positive note
1. conveniences in our daily life.... such as shop on line, internet banking, and so on.... allows us to settled things without having to leave home. Saves us time, effort and cost.

2. Rapid communication.no more "snail mail" we can retrieve message and information at light speed via the email.

3. Knowledge no longer belongs to the privileged few. Information is accessible anywhere in the world. Such as Wiki, Google, Youtube...and so on.

4. Increases productivity and improved quality. Allows us to spent less effort to achieve the same objective. Examples are like automation in manufacturing, electronic scanners,automatic teller machine (ATM), security systems, micro wave oven and many many more.

5. The ability to stay in touch with friends and love ones. Share our experiences, our mood, our thoughts, access information, get help. Anywhere and anytime, all you need is your MOBILE PHONE.


Hope Visiting an Old Friend next Year

It is a good idea to visit and old friend, especially when you can relive some of your old memories. Vichue has been a good friend of mine since I worked at our company. She worked in our factory in China. We first time met each other in 2005. She is so cute and sweet girl. We had a lot of pleasure memories in work. She left our company for a long time and wanted me to China. We always chatted on line. We did meet each other very often. She knows I am studying at the school. She said, “Come here after you graduated.” She wanted me have no stress to visit her. I have some plan to visit her next year. I expect will be to talk about many things that we could not chat on line. Hope this day will come soon.

An Unforgettable Childhood Experience

I’ll always remember the first time my father hit me with a belt when I was a child. I did had not a good life because my parents must be make money to keep our living. They always were very busy every day. I went out and play with my friend. Someday, my friend brought a pretty lace with her. It was so beautiful and shining like the stars. I liked it very much, but I needed pay money to buy it. I stole the money of my parents. They found the money was stolen very soon and asked us whether took the money. They found the money from my clothes and scolded me angrily. My father had never hit me since I was born. That time, he hit me very heavy and angry. He said,” I hate the thief, the police would take you to the police office.” My mother told me didn’t do anything like this anymore because it is a bad thing. I felt sad I took a big mistake. Even after so many years, this bad childhood memories often come back to me.


Dyeing Hair

Dyeing hair has its pros and cons although a lot of people enjoy doing it. On the positive side, it can really make a big difference to the way people look. It can increase many people’s self-confidence. My classmate, Shang, whose hair is long, but she’s hair had been turned gray. She would dyeing hair a half of year to let she look young. Actually, her decided is right. She looks young and pretty. Some people like it because it let them look fashionable and good. They hope they will become the center of attention. On the negative side, dyeing hair might cause our health problems. It might cause the headache or some eyes problems. Somebody said those impossible I think we must take care our health. According to a medical report, using too mush hair dye might cause cancer. The primitive color of hair is better than dyed.

Practice Makes Perfect

I have known the theory and practical experience are two different things since I started working. When I was a student in college, I studied the International Trade. Learning a lot of trading terms and knowledge were in class. The teacher hope we could into the trading company to learn more other things and more experience. In my image, if I job was shipping, I just did paperwork. I work at a small trading company to do the export and import. Everything was different. Sometimes Ii might deal with some trouble from our customer. Sometimes I checked the payment with our customers. All of things bothered me very often and hoped do not to handle the same things again. From the other hand thought those trouble things were good experience to me. I could offer good suggestion to my coworker.



Alvin is a good man. He is very funny and cute. The most important point, he always spent his money on the useful thing. His wife is a friend of mine, so we met each other before school. His wife, Nokia, is a teacher of teaching kids English. We were her first batch of adult students. She taught us and her classmate Vicky the phonics once a week. She said " it's free service!!", so Vicky and I was often to help everyone with a cup of tea or other drink. During the studying, we were didn’t eat or drink anything from Alvin. I always told him why you did not take something, like juice or tea to us. You eat or drink so much from us. Did you feel ashamed?He said” No, I didn’t. Thanks for your tea.” Suddenly, I told myself didn’t bring anything to him anymore.

One day, I arrived the classroom. I found a bottle of milk on the table. It was given us from Alvin. I felt so surprise and happy because the milk brand is famous milk. It cost 25 dollars per bottle. While I was drinking milk happily, he asked me did you want a bottle again? Wow, I couldn’t believe it and asked him, did you won the lottery? He said, “No. I took those bottles of milk from my home. The expiry date is tomorrow, so I hope you can drink off them today…… OMG.What a kind person!


Hope to Reduce My Tension When I stand on the Stage

I always feel nervous when I stand on the stage. I presented my report on the stage I could feel my voice and my hands were shaking. I tried to come down and told to myself be confident. My voice and hands were still shaking then my spoke speed were more and more fast, so I always spend a lot of time to practice my present, hope can reduce some mistakes and can over it as soon as possible. To finish the presentation and back to the seat was my big idea at that time. I found someone who I could talk to her and hope her gave me courage during my presentation. In my experience it was useful. The feeling is bad thing for me. I have to control my tension and to memorize the content of the report. Finding a good way fast to reduce my tension let me could finish my presentation smoothly. It is so significant.


The Book Club on Skype

We start studying International News vocabulary at this semester. A lot of vocabularies are long words and difficult to remember. When I was studying, I turned on the Mp3 to listen pronounce of the vocabulary. I practiced pronounce followed the Mp3. It was difficult to me to remember the vocabulary. We must remember those new words within a week. Just do my best to learn by rote but I didn’t know their meaning of words. I always forgot the words fast. Our classmate, jack, he is a so kindly person. Some classmates are taught how to learn the meaning of the words on Skype every week. He teaches us about the root prefix, association method, and groups to memorize. Those methods were good for me. I could memorize some words so simple. In the other hand, we used the group to learn some new words. The time of the book club on Skype was so short but the harvest was huge.



TSince the Industrial Revolution, the need for energy to run machines has steadily increased. Some energy, like the energy you need to do your homework, comes from the food you eat. But other energy, like the energy that makes cars run and much of the energy used to light and heat our homes, comes from fuels like coal and oil – fossil fuels. Burning these fuels releases greenhouse gases. There have been a number of natural disasters this year, including wildfires in Russia, and torrential rain in Canada. These events have destroyed many wheat crops, and the locust swarms present another problem that is expected to bump up grain prices. Those situations are tell us, we must be do something to change our life style to protect our Earth and give our children have a good life environment.


My friend

My friend, Shang, is my junior high school classmate. She lives in SanSia suburb with her husband. They like the quiet life. Living there they can listen to the music from the insects. In summer it is cool at night, they don’t open the fan. To stay at their home you will feel comfortable and tranquil. I like go to their house because they have a so soft sofa. I always lie on it to watch TV or do anything. I feel I could not leave the sofa when I stay at their house. Shang always keeps the house cleanly. They usually change the place for the furniture to change their mind. Every time, I went to their house, they usually gave big surprise and other different feeling. The big point, I never do anything while I stay here. Shang would do anything for me. So sweet!


Ghost Festival

In Chinese tradition, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day (鬼月),come out from the lower realm. The July 15th of every year, we can see most people to prepare fruit, fish, chicken, port, and many kinds of cookies on the table for this ghost festival. Many kids like this day, they know the food must be eaten in short time when they are fresh. Their parents would not ask them don't eat too much. Last several years, most people reduce many things in this festival. They know everything will be ok, just do what thing you feel correct. Don't be never mind haven't too food to put on the table.


Having good friends appears to boost survival

Having a good network of friends and neighbours boosts survival chances by 50%.And they calculate that having few friends is as damaging to survival as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or being alcoholic, PLoS Medicine reports.They believe caring about others makes us take better care of ourselves. But they warn that in today’s modern world social networks are deteriorating as we struggle to juggle careers and families and find a happy work-life balance. Losing this social support, they say, cuts survival odds far more than being obese or not exercising. Lead researcher Julianne Holt-Lundstad says there are many ways in which friends. Everyone needs friends. They will give you good suggest, good thinking, and stand by you when you feel sad. You can say anything what you feel worry and must to get support, the friends are good choice.

Barbecue in Xinzhuang city

I had a dinner date on Friday night with my college students. We ate the Barbecue in Xinzhuang city. It is a new opened barbecue store. We booked the seat on Wednesday night. There were many people wait the seat when we arrived. They didn’t book the seat, so they must to wait for a while. When we went to inside of the store It’s decoration of the store is relax and comfortable. There are many kinds of food. Such as sea food, Japanese food, hot pot, pork, meat, chicken, beef, fish, and ice cream, and drink. You can choice what food you want to eat. These foods are fresh. All you can eat. A barbecue set and a hot pot on the table. The table is very large to put the food. We didn’t eat very much. We have not met each other since we graduated from the college, so we talked about our anything. That night, the foods were let us satisfied, and we had a nice dinner.


The book club of our company

There is a book club once a month at our company. I guess it has held must be three years. Our superintendent asked us to hold the book club. We don’t like this order we have feel heavy pressure from this order. We hope can take relax during the book blub. Because everyone works all day is very tired, don’t want to think or said too many things. This thinking is not accepted during the book club. You must to prepare before the book club. The host will ask everyone or someone that they hope the person can share what they have learned. Actually, everyone hope the activities can be ended soonest within one hour. It is impossible, we think too much. Sometimes, it took our much time. This is a bad thing for us. Nobody likes these activities.


Got hurt during work

My company is a small steel factory. Cutting the steel from the width size to the narrow size is our main business. This morning, my co-worker who operates the cutting machine got hurt. The workplace that they work is very dangerous. They have pay attention while they are operating the machine. We can’t talk to them in working hours. Everyone must be careful walks at the workplace. Because you don’t know what thing will happened. He said his partner didn’t see him near the machine. He turned on the wrong switch. He had his partner turned off the switch, but the workplace is too noisy. The bad thing was happened. His finger wan pressed to the machine. Everything was stopped, everyone ran to him. His got the big trouble, we send him to the hospital. The doctor said he must stay at home for one month. Hope everything is ok to him.


German siblings challenge incest ban

"German brother and sister are calling for the country’s incest laws to be abolished so that they can continue their sexual relationship. " This title made me shocked. They didn’t think they do the wrong thing.I remembered when I was a child, we knew it is illegal that get marry with our family member. Our parent and the teacher taught us if we do the wrong thing, might be the result will be happened in our children. It is big matter because some things you can not change. It is an injury. they must pick up the relationship. Choosing the right person is smart.


Coke not the real thing

“The belief that Coca-Cola works as an after-sex spermicide is nothing but urban legend, a scientist cautions in the British Medical Journal.” The wrong idea often be offered from the people who we didn’t know. Now, teenagers do something in the wrong action especially in their relationship. Most of them didn’t know the serious of the thing that they was doing. After they were doing, they found a lot of way to deal with the result. Sometimes want to go after the pilot heard a message. Like using the coca-cola want to kill something. I just can say it is not a smart way.


How Lazy Are You ?

Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge? Do you often doing internet shopping rather than going to the stores? What can’t you be bothered to do? Now, the technology developed very fast, many people like stay at home browsing the website online shopping. Call the phone, the foods or other services will be sent to you. You don’t need go out to do something. You can always sit on your sofa to handle a lot of things. This is bad for your health. Don’t let you like a pig.

Curry Power

A Cure for Cancer?
If you like curry then you must be delighted to learn that scientists in Ireland have found a certain type of curry spice can kill off cancer cells. The chemical – curcumin – can be found in the bright yellow curry spice turmeric. It’s long thought to have healing powers. Tests by a team at the Cork Cancer Research Centre show it can destroy gullet cancer cells in the lab. The cancer cells began to digest themselves after the curcumin triggered lethal cell death signals. And this process started within 24 hours. Curry dishes have cancer beating ingredients.
That sounds great news for the patient of cancer. In Taiwan, many people will try to eat a lot of curry and hope to kill off cancer cells. This is a wrong thing to eat same food in short time. Maintaining a balanced diet remains our best option to a healthy lifestyle.

Bank sleep to fight tiredness

As anyone who has unwittingly drifted off at their desk will know-tiredness can really creep up on you when you least need it. But a new study is offering some good news: it claims to prove that we can bank sleep-and store it up in advance of a tiring event. Researchers in the US invited a group of volunteers to adjust their sleep patterns so the effect could be monitored. For a week, one half of the group was allowed extra sleep, while the others were told to keep their sleeping patterns the same. Then, the following week, they were all sleep-deprived.
"After this week of either extended or habitual sleep per night, all the volunteers came to the lab and they were given three hours of sleep, per night, for a week," explained Tracy Rupp from the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. They were then given tasks of varying complication, and tests showed that those who had banked the sleep were "more resilient during the sleep restriction". "They showed less performance deterioration with regards to reaction time and alertness than the group that had been given the habitual prior sleep," said Ms Rupp. Bank sleep to fight our tiredness it seems a pretty theory. I think it to difficult for person who has habit of insomnia. Bank sleep likes taking a nap during the noon to get good mind. Stop to sleep or take a rest, when you feel tired it is necessary.

Feeling grumpy is good for you

In a bad mood? Don’t worry - according to research, it’s good for you. An Australian psychology expert who has been studying emotions has found being grumpy makes us think more clearly. Miserable people are better at decision-making and less gullible, his experiments showed.

While cheerfulness fosters creativity, gloominess breeds attentiveness and careful thinking, Professor Joe Forgas told Australian Science Magazine. The University of New South Wales researcher says a grumpy person can cope with more demanding situations than a happy one because of the way the brain "promotes information processing strategies".

Those in a bad mood outperformed those who were jolly - they made fewer mistakes and were better communicators.

We always get anger in many things that we hear or someone do something we don’t like. During we are being angry, others say we should calm down to treat those things. Now, I think I get a good reason for my bad mood.

Taiwan High Speed Rail

I went to Zuoying, Kaohsiung with my friends by high speed rail yesterday.

This was my first time to take the high speed rail. The Taiwan High Speed Rail gives a good special price from Monday to Friday every week. The origin price is NTD1,330. We got the 85% discount at the ticket price, so we just paid the NTD1,130. It saved two hundred dollars. We took the rail at the 7:30 from Taoyuan and arrived Zuoying at 9:08. The speed was about 291km/hr. It so fast and saved our much time. We saw many people took the rail to visit their customers or factories. It is very convenient and comfortable to take the rail.


Stress makes for more sleepless in Taiwan-study

More than one in five people in Taiwan suffers from insomnia likely caused by stress due to the economic woes, a figure higher than the global average, researchers said on. Wednesday.The survey of 4,005 people found that 21.8 percent of the population has chronic trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, said Lee Hsin-chien, psychiatry chairman at government-run Shuang-Ho Hospital in Taipei.
Overseas, averages of 10 to 15 percent of the population reports insomnia, he said, while Taiwan’s rate was about 10 percent in 2000.Stress due to recession on the export-reliant island earlier this year might have contributed to the increase, Lee said. Diabetes, hypertension, anxiety and depression may also be driving insomnia as health generally declines in the face of an increasingly Western lifestyle, he added. Sleeplessness is a big problem for me. I wake up per hour in the midnight every day and I have a lot of dream while I am sleeping. I have not a good quality of sleeping. Even, I am afraid to sleep. I need the deeply sleeping very much. I don’t know how to improve this situation. I tried don’t think too much, or too tired, but nothing be changed. I am so sad. When do I can get good quality of sleeping?

The Volunteer

Taking a deep sniff of lavender before you settle down for a horror film might stop you getting so scared - but only if you are a woman, a study has found. Men should avoid the smell unless they crave a more unsettling experience, a paper being presented to the British Psychological Society suggests. The Volunteers were given either capsules containing lavender or a placebo. Their physiological responses to neutral, scary and light-hearted film clips were then observed. Women who took lavender had an increased heart rate variation - an indicator of a more relaxed state - during all three films. Aromatherapy is rooted in the idea that certain fragrant smells can stimulate the limbic system - the emotion-related parts of the brain - causing changes in the function of the body and mind. My friends like all kinds of products made of the volunteers. Those will let them feel relax. They like to smell this scent very much. It can let them sleep well and calm down. You can drink the volunteer tea, to get other difference feeling. The volunteers are good plants you also can plants them at your garden.


Living in a Dorm or Living in an Apartment Outside the Campus

You can choose living in the dorm or living in an apartment outside the campus when you are a student. Living in the dorm, the time is limited, the door will be closed at nine o’clock p.m. If you don’t come back the dorm on time, you just live with your classmates who live outside that night. If you have a date outside the campus, you can’t enjoy it very much. Time is a big problem for students who live in the dorm. Living in an apartment, time is a big problem for students who live in the dorm. Living in an apartment, time is not a problem. You don’t worry about the time you can do anything or talk about what you like. No one can close and lock your door. Living in the dorm you can’t choose your room-mates. Your school official will arrange it. Living in an apartment you can choose your room-mates. You can live alone or live with someone who you like. The advantage of living in the dorm is you can ask any question to your classmate anytime and you can discuss each other about the question to get the answer at once. Living in an apartment outside the campus, you can play mahjong in your bedroom in your free time. It is impossible be happened in the dorm. You can’t watch TV in your bedroom. The school official set a public place for students to do their activities. They can watch TV, play chess, or discuss their plans of weekend in here. If you don’t like studying hard, to choose living in an apartment outside the campus is better. Living in the dorm is an experience for group life. Living in an apartment can let you do many things any time. If you want to study hard, living in the dorm is good choice.


Coffee and tea ’prevent diabetes’Tea

and coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a large body of evidence shows. And the protection may not be down to caffeine since decaf coffee has the greatest effect, say researchers in Archives of Internal Medicine.
They looked at 18 separate studies involving nearly 500,000 people. This analysis revealed that people who drink three or four cups of coffee or tea a day cut their risk by a fifth or more, say researchers. The same amount of decaffeinated coffee had an even bigger effect, lowering risk by a third.
Type 2 diabetes usually starts after the age of 40 and develops when the body can still make some insulin, but not enough, or when the insulin that is produced does not work properly. Type 2 diabetes is treated with a healthy diet and increased physical activity. In addition to this, medication and/or insulin is often required.

I remembered that there were some study said coffee is not good. Drinking the coffee or tea will lose your Ca very soon. The other hand, some study said the coffee is good. I don’t care it good or bad. I just know when I feel tired, I need some coffee let me refresh. I know I couldn’t drink two cups of coffee a day. It will hurt my health. It is very important.

An Hour Of Daily Exercise ’Needed To Stay Slim’

The UK government advises adults to exercise for at least half an hour five or more days a week. The US study followed 34,000 middle-aged women over 13 years. The women completed regular questionnaires about the amount of time they spent on physical activity.
They were classified into three groups:those who did the equivalent of less than two and a half hours of moderate exercise a week, between two and a half hours and seven hours a week, and more than seven hours a week.
The average age of the women was 54, and the average weight gain was 2.6 kg over the 13 year period. The high exercise group gained significantly less weight than the rest. But there was no difference in weight gain between the two lower exercise groups.
The only group who didn’t gain weight during the study were normal weight women who exercised for an hour or more a day.
According to this study, to keep the exercised every day is very important. If you want to exercise for an hour a day, you can do it half an hour to keep your health. Sweating is good and comfortable. Don’t to lazy, just do it.


Advantages of Living in A Big City

There are many advantages of living in a big city. First, the traffic is convenience for anyone. For example, you can take the bus or by MAR where you want to go. Second, a lot convenience shops are opened 24 hours. If you were hungry in the middle night, you can buy something to drink or to eat at anyone convenience shop. Third, when you want to buy clothes and shoes, you can choose the shopping mall which one you like. And, many interesting night market that you can buy anything what you want to eat. Finally, living in a big city is convenience for us.


How to Find a Marriage Partner

To find a marriage partner is very easy for some people who like went out and make friends. They could always meet many new people in a new place. You can follow the steps as below. The first step, most of people find their partner at the office. People are easy to choose and make friends at this place because they have much time to spend with their co-worker, and can know their interest, personality in short time. The second step, you can ask for your friends to introduce their friends or co-worker to you. A lot of friends are good for you when you need them. If you have few friends, you would lose much chance to know other people. The next step, your classmates are very important. Everyone has many classmates from the junior high school to the college. Your class reunion once a year may be a good chance. You need to keep in touch with your classmates necessarily. Going out is very important to find a marriage partner.

My Classmate's Love Story

My junior high school classmate, Chio and her husband, cooper were classmates. They didn't keep in touch with each other since they graduated. They met each other at their classmate’s wedding. They talk about many things about their job, interest, friends, and sports. They found both of them like played volleyball. That time, they made a good impression each other and made a date to play sports together after the wedding.

They played volleyball and rode bike to keep their health every weekend. Cooper has fall in love with Chio soonest. One day, Cooper ask Chio being his girl friend, and hope her reply him next day. Chio feels he can teach her many things and played sports with her happily. She tough it is better to her, so she agreed to be his girl friend.

They decided to marry after three years. Cooper said they don’t want a baby at that time, because they love to play sports and have take trips to many countries. They hope to do everything that they like and to keep good memory for them.

I feel surprised that they don’t want a baby at that time. Now they have a baby and they take the baby to play sports together. And they enjoy their living. They hope their every friend can find a good person to live, and said it is very happiness.

A Tourist destination

Many tourists visit Thailand each year. I went to there on a vacation with my friends last year. All of us hope take away our pressure.

There are many major tourist attractions. The Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. You can buy the souvenir at there. You can shop by foot or take a board.We looked many board's owners put their products on the board. It is impossible in Taiwan. The shemale show, the players are so pretty and have in a good shape. They are pretty that the women. You can take the picture with them after they played their show. But you must pay the money. A towing flight, it is very exciting. They said you can see the beautiful view when you were in the sky. I didn’t to try it. It made me scare. Then we visited the 4 faced Buddha. He is the god of creation, mercy an benevolence. The four faced Buddha at the Erawan Shrine is a Hindu legacy in Bangkok that has become a fusion of faiths. Those scenes are interesting for me.

I thought they appreciated the tourists because most locals have jobs that depend on tourism. For example, the tender, shop owners, department, and Pubs. The locals improved their life better than better by the tourism. The shemale show is their famous show. Many people change their gender from male to female. The other hand, you can see a lot of people went to Thailand from anywhere. Those people hope to do some small change on their face to let them get beauty. Many owners of the clinic will offer job to the local to serve their customers. So those people also have a big help to the locals.

A lot of people went to here to visit, on a vacation or do the plastic surgery. The air pollution, the traffic jam is more than more serious. Some of the locals think these are good things. May be their government will plane to change some things for the tourists. The locals will get a good quality of life from those changes.


A Busy Airport Terminal

In a busy airport termianl, many taxi drivers stop at there waiting for the passengers. You can see many people got off the cars or the buses and run into the airport twrminal quickly. There are some people sat on the chair or stood near the chair to wait their friends or talking about something. The tour guide shakes the flag and looks for his tourists in front of the counter. The business man told to the customer something period they check in. A busy airport terminal you can see many kinds of person what they do. It is very interesting.